Sunday, 22 April 2012

A Week in Pictures

Topshop bikini, outfit idea (Topshop, Urban Outfitters), outfit idea 2 (Topshop), Purchases, Hummingbird Brownies, Love Magazine Alexander McQueen, Harry Potter twilight? bitch please, cat, started knitting a jumper, new jeans - mint - Topshop, Lilac shorts Urban Outfitters, Purchases, Nerds yum, Mango Kate Moss jumper.

Finally back at university just for a week so this is just a quick update of my past week! I've been spending so much money on clothes which I really shouldn't be, but I love my new purchases so thought I'd show you them! C. x


  1. gorgeous topshop bikini! :) x

  2. You have a beautiful blog with so many inspiring posts! Congrats on your work!
    Would you like to keep in touch following each other?

    1. Ah thank you! You have a really nice blog too, followed :)
